日本財団 図書館


Sofratulle (Fradiomycin sulfate, gauze type, lO×10cm)
Sotratulle is a gauze preparation of tragiomycin, which has a potent antibacterial activity and is designed to peel off easily.
Indications: The same as those for the above-mentioned antibiotic ointment preparations.
Dosage: A strip of the appropriate size should be cut and applied directly together with sterile gauze to the lesion, which should then be bandaged.
Precautions: Use of the drug should be discontinued when any of the following symptoms/signs occurs: itching, redness, swelling, and a feeling of warmth. Chronic use of the drug should be avoided.
Storage:In a cool place. Expiry date: 2 years.


Zinc oxide oil
Zinc oxide oil (Zinc oxide 50%)
Zinc oxide oil is a 1:1 mixture of zinc oxide and vegetable oil. It alleviates inflammation, reduces secretions, and promotes epidermal regeneration.
Indications: Non-extensive eczema and dermatitis. Non-extensive first-degree burns.
Dosage: Apply once to several times daily together with gauze directly to the lesion, which should then be bandaged.
Precautions: 1. Zinc oxide oil must not be applied to severe or extensive burns
2. Use of the drug should be discontinued when rash or irritation occurs.


Zinc oxide starch powder
?ABaby Powder S
Zinc oxide starch powder is a 1:1 mixture of zinc oxide and starch. It protects inflamed skin and also absorbs sweat and other secretions to promote drying.
Indications: Heat rash, eczema, and erosions.
Dosage: Apply to lesions with or without ointment.


Antihistamines for external use
A. Restamin (Diphenhydramine ointment 1%)
B. Vena Pasta (Diphenhydramine ointment 4%)
External preparations of antihistamines can be used for skin redness, wheals, and itching.
Indications: Urticaria, pruritus, and insect bites.
Dosage: Apply or rub in several times daily.
Precautions: 1. Dermatitis with severe inflammation should first be treated with other external preparations having an antiinflammatory effect. Antihistamines for external use should only be used when itching persists after the relief
of inflammation control.
2. Antihistamines should be withdrawn when any of the following symptoms/signs occurs: redness, swelling and humectation (erosions).
Storage:At room temperature.


?@ Zenol Plaster(14 × 10cm)
?A PatecsA(14 × 10cm)
Cold cataplasms usually contain drug substances which improve blood flow and have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.
Indications: Sprains, bruises, muscular pain, stiff shoulders, back pain, joint pain, and fracture pain.
Dosage: ?@ & ?A Apply once or twice daily. Choice between cold and hot cataplasms should depend on the patient's symptoms.
Precautions: 1. Cold cafaplasms must not be applied to wounds, eczema, or rashes.
2. Cataplasms may cause redness, skin rashes, and swelling.
Storage: In a cool place.


MS Hot Cataplasm (14 × 10cm)
Hot cataplasms usually contain a red pepper extract to achieve analgesia and improve blood circulation.
Indications: Sprains, bruises, muscular pain, joint pain, and fracture pain.
Dosage: Apply once or twice daily.
Precautions: 1. This drug must not be used for individuals who are hypersensitive it. The drug must not be applied to wounds, eczema, or rashes.
2. The drug may cause redness, skin rashes, and swelling.
Storage: Protected from direct sunlight and high temperature.




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